Selasa, 04 Desember 2012


Diposting oleh Fa di 10.52 0 komentar

In the last meeting of philosophy of mathematics education lecturer, Mr. Marsigit and the students were talking about some student’s questions. Here are some questions-answers of philosophy of mathematics education:
How do we clean the heart of all that mess?
Mr.Marsigit said that to clean our heart of all that mess, we should find a teacher who was able leaded and guide in spiritual matters. In every age, there are people who are able leaded and guide, a sort of scholars.
What’s the relationship between IQ, EQ, and SQ?
Based on experience, spirituality can support intelligence. People who developed his IQ and SQ, EQ is just as implications. His emotions will be maintained. However, sometimes if our IQ, EQ are high, then the SQ is not high, if it is very high on EQ and SQ then his IQ is not high and so on. This is because a person can not possibly have an IQ, EQ and SQ in very high level in the same time. Because if it is like IQ, EQ and SQ like high mountains, so if we managed to climb the mountain, we are also not likely to climb another mountain.
What’s skepticism?
Skepticism is doubtful that exists and may exist. The big noise is Rene Descartes. He made a book about his experiences, which just dream to reality. This makes Rene Descartes became unable to distinguish where reality and dreams. Then he does not believe (skeptic) on everything, including God. Eventually he convinced me was being asked of me. So, the main source of a science is a doubt in our mind.
What limits your mind?
Learning comes from science. Thoughts related to the structures in the brain. Biologically, if the brain is taken, then we can not think. This makes the emergence of the theory of left brain and right brain. In philosophy, there are two kinds of mind, they are experience and logic. Among the experience and logic there is intuition, either space intuition or time intuition.
What is the philosophy?
Philosophy is a reflection process to think. People called philosophical mind when he reflects. The characteristics of reflecting are asking what, who, when, where, why, and how. He is also able to think normative, analytical, and apiori. That’s why animals might not philosophize, because he is only able to think of a synthetic and a posteriori. Similarly, a baby also can’t philosophize. He gained knowledge only of myth.
Love is relative or absolute?
Absolute love is only belongs to God. Your love to another person is still relative.
How to define love?
We can not define love, because love is intuition. Love can only be explained and given examples. Love also only mentioned characteristics. Therefore, we should not ignore intuition, because half of our lives are filled with intuition.

From the dialogues above, I can conclude that there are many things of our life that should be reflected. So, actually we can philosophize about everything in our life because philosophy is a reflective thinking.


Diposting oleh Fa di 10.51 0 komentar

In the last meeting of philosophy of mathematics education lecturer, Mr. Marsigit and the students were talking about some student’s questions. Here are some questions-answers of philosophy of mathematics education:
Why is the importance of studying philosophy of mathematics education?
The importance of studying philosophy of mathematics education is philosophy can be put in front of everything, between ‘exist’ and ‘may exist’. The objects of philosophy are everything that is ‘exist’ and ‘may exist’. Thus, the objects of philosophy of mathematics are everything that is ‘exist’ and ‘may exist’ in mathematics.
What is the most concern in learning philosophy?
The method that is used in learning philosophy is live method, because philosophy is live. Every experience that has been done by human can be put in philosophy. So, the main point of learning philosophy of mathematics is living the philosophy.
Since the definition of philosophy is thinking, and the modal of philosophy is logic, think, and experience, so everyone should be thinking about their experiences. But, there are some people that don’t reflect their experiences.
What is the use of learning philosophy?
As we know, philosophy is thinking. So, the use of learning philosophy is same as the use of thinking. Without thinking, a human can’t life in this world.
What is the relationship between philosophy and mathematics?
The objects of philosophy are everything that is ‘exist’ and ‘may exist’. So, the relationship of philosophy and mathematics is everything that is ‘exist’ and ‘may exist’ in mathematics. Mathematics is half of our life, so philosophy is also half of our life.
Can we define the philosophy of mathematics?
We can define philosophy as everything, but it’s not important, because the most important is the reason of the definition. How can we find the definition? We can find it within our mind.
How can we compare the perception of our philosophy and the others?
The use of comparing the perception of everything is based on our ego, because it explains our domination. So, we need difference to make our life balance.
What is the philosophy of philosophy?
The philosophy of philosophy is Meta philosophy. It’s based on the quality of everything. Can be the first quality (quality that can be reaching by our sense). The second, third, etc quality is quality that should use our mind. And it’s based on our mind.

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