Selasa, 04 Desember 2012


Diposting oleh Fa di 10.52 0 komentar

In the last meeting of philosophy of mathematics education lecturer, Mr. Marsigit and the students were talking about some student’s questions. Here are some questions-answers of philosophy of mathematics education:
How do we clean the heart of all that mess?
Mr.Marsigit said that to clean our heart of all that mess, we should find a teacher who was able leaded and guide in spiritual matters. In every age, there are people who are able leaded and guide, a sort of scholars.
What’s the relationship between IQ, EQ, and SQ?
Based on experience, spirituality can support intelligence. People who developed his IQ and SQ, EQ is just as implications. His emotions will be maintained. However, sometimes if our IQ, EQ are high, then the SQ is not high, if it is very high on EQ and SQ then his IQ is not high and so on. This is because a person can not possibly have an IQ, EQ and SQ in very high level in the same time. Because if it is like IQ, EQ and SQ like high mountains, so if we managed to climb the mountain, we are also not likely to climb another mountain.
What’s skepticism?
Skepticism is doubtful that exists and may exist. The big noise is Rene Descartes. He made a book about his experiences, which just dream to reality. This makes Rene Descartes became unable to distinguish where reality and dreams. Then he does not believe (skeptic) on everything, including God. Eventually he convinced me was being asked of me. So, the main source of a science is a doubt in our mind.
What limits your mind?
Learning comes from science. Thoughts related to the structures in the brain. Biologically, if the brain is taken, then we can not think. This makes the emergence of the theory of left brain and right brain. In philosophy, there are two kinds of mind, they are experience and logic. Among the experience and logic there is intuition, either space intuition or time intuition.
What is the philosophy?
Philosophy is a reflection process to think. People called philosophical mind when he reflects. The characteristics of reflecting are asking what, who, when, where, why, and how. He is also able to think normative, analytical, and apiori. That’s why animals might not philosophize, because he is only able to think of a synthetic and a posteriori. Similarly, a baby also can’t philosophize. He gained knowledge only of myth.
Love is relative or absolute?
Absolute love is only belongs to God. Your love to another person is still relative.
How to define love?
We can not define love, because love is intuition. Love can only be explained and given examples. Love also only mentioned characteristics. Therefore, we should not ignore intuition, because half of our lives are filled with intuition.

From the dialogues above, I can conclude that there are many things of our life that should be reflected. So, actually we can philosophize about everything in our life because philosophy is a reflective thinking.


Diposting oleh Fa di 10.51 0 komentar

In the last meeting of philosophy of mathematics education lecturer, Mr. Marsigit and the students were talking about some student’s questions. Here are some questions-answers of philosophy of mathematics education:
Why is the importance of studying philosophy of mathematics education?
The importance of studying philosophy of mathematics education is philosophy can be put in front of everything, between ‘exist’ and ‘may exist’. The objects of philosophy are everything that is ‘exist’ and ‘may exist’. Thus, the objects of philosophy of mathematics are everything that is ‘exist’ and ‘may exist’ in mathematics.
What is the most concern in learning philosophy?
The method that is used in learning philosophy is live method, because philosophy is live. Every experience that has been done by human can be put in philosophy. So, the main point of learning philosophy of mathematics is living the philosophy.
Since the definition of philosophy is thinking, and the modal of philosophy is logic, think, and experience, so everyone should be thinking about their experiences. But, there are some people that don’t reflect their experiences.
What is the use of learning philosophy?
As we know, philosophy is thinking. So, the use of learning philosophy is same as the use of thinking. Without thinking, a human can’t life in this world.
What is the relationship between philosophy and mathematics?
The objects of philosophy are everything that is ‘exist’ and ‘may exist’. So, the relationship of philosophy and mathematics is everything that is ‘exist’ and ‘may exist’ in mathematics. Mathematics is half of our life, so philosophy is also half of our life.
Can we define the philosophy of mathematics?
We can define philosophy as everything, but it’s not important, because the most important is the reason of the definition. How can we find the definition? We can find it within our mind.
How can we compare the perception of our philosophy and the others?
The use of comparing the perception of everything is based on our ego, because it explains our domination. So, we need difference to make our life balance.
What is the philosophy of philosophy?
The philosophy of philosophy is Meta philosophy. It’s based on the quality of everything. Can be the first quality (quality that can be reaching by our sense). The second, third, etc quality is quality that should use our mind. And it’s based on our mind.

Selasa, 13 November 2012


Diposting oleh Fa di 18.57 0 komentar
-Berdasarkan pertanyaan Fauzia Rahmawati (09313244001) kepada Dessy Ratnasari Fitriyani (09313244026), mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika ’09 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta-

Berikut pendapat Dessy Ratnasari Fitriyani mengenai beberapa permasalahan kehidupan apabila dilihat dari segi filsafatnya. Topik awal yang diambil adalah permasalahan mengenai cinta. Dessy mengungkapkan bahwa cinta yang ia miliki itu sebanyak-banyak bintang di langit dan sebanyak-banyak bintang di laut, jadi bisa dikatakan bahwa cintanya itu tak terhingga atau tak dapat dihitung. Cinta itu sangat penting dalam hidupnya karena dengan cinta kita semua ada di dunia dan dengan cinta pulalah akan tercipta perdamaian dimanapun. Apabila kita membicarakan mengenai cinta, maka yang akan kita bayangkan adalah warna-warna pink, akan tetapi menurut Dessy warna cinta itu tidak dapat didefinisikan, tergantung kepada diri kita dalam mencintai seseorang itu terdapat dalam ruang dan waktu mana. Karena begitu pentingnya cinta, maka kita tidak akan mampu meniadakan cinta, mengingat cinta itu relatif, dan pada saat kita memikirkan cinta, maka cinta itu sendiri tidak akan mampu ditiadakan. Berbicara mengenai cinta, maka Dessy menentukan orang terseksi di dalam pikirannya adalah Barrack Obama, karena beliau adalah orang terseksi di dunia.
Dari pendapat di atas, terdapat beberapa pendapat yang saya setuju akan tetapi ada pula pendapat yang kurang pas dengan pendapat saya. Cinta adalah keabsolutan dalam kehidupan atau bisa dikatakan bahwa selama kita hidup pastilah kita memiliki cinta. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa cinta kita tak berhingga banyak akan tertapi terbatas pada ruang dan waktu. Ruang dimana kita hanya mampu menempuh ruang-ruang yang dapat kita pikirkan dan waktu yang terbatas pada usia kita. Karena cinta adalah keabsolutan dalam kehidupan, maka memang cinta sangat penting dalam hidup kita. Jika kita hidup tanpa cinta, sama saja dengan kita hidup dalam ketidakpastian. Warna cinta itu sendiri memang tidak ada yang tau, karena warna itu relative kepada orang yang merasakannya. Saya setuju dengan pendapat Dessy bahwa cinta tidak akan mampu ditiadakan, karena apabila kita mencoba untuk meniadakan cinta, maka sama dengan kita meniadakan diri kita, atau sama dengan membunuh diri sendiri. Untuk saya, orang terseksi di dalam pikiran saya adalah diri saya sendiri karena saya adalah orang yang paling berkuasa di dalam pikiran saya sendiri.
Topik selanjutnya membahas mengenai kesendirian. Menurut Dessy kesendirian itu terletak di dalam pikiran kita sendiri. Kita akan sendiri pada saat pemikiran kita berbeda dengan orang lain. Dan karena pikiran kita berbeda antara satu orang dengan orang lain itu pulalah kita akan hidup sendiri. Dan kita akan merasa bersama dengan orang lain apabila kita berada di dimensi ruang dan waktu yang sama dengan orang lain.
Secara garis besar saya sependapat dengan Dessy, karena memang kesendirian itu terletak pada pikiran kita, karena pemikiran kita adalah hak periogatif kita, dan merupakan hak asasi kita. Pada saat kita berbeda pendapat dengan orang lain, maka saat itulah kita sendiri. Sendiri dengan pemikiran kita sendiri. Perbedaan pemikiran antar orang itu pulalah yang akan menyebabkan kita merasakan kesendirian, dan dengan pikiran kita pulalah kita akan merasakan kebersamaan. Bersama karena kita memiliki pemikiran yang sama dengan orang lain, dan berada di dimensi ruang dan waktu yang sama dengan orang lain.
Itulah tadi sepenggal hasil wawancara saya kepada Dessy Ratnasari Fitriyani pada saat perkuliahan Filsafat Pendidikan Matematika Tanggal 13 November 2012.

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

SRK Konser Lagi!!!

Diposting oleh Fa di 11.51 2 komentar
SRK mau ke Indonesia lagi!!! LAGI!!! LAGI!!!

Tapi aku ga nonton lagi!!! LAGI!! LAGI!!!

Padahal dulu pas SD sampe nangis gara-gara ga nonton. Kalo sekarang mungkin harus koprol sambil nangis guling-guling gara-gara ga nonton lagi!! LAGI!! LAGI!!! :'(

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

17 Oktober 2004/2012

Diposting oleh Fa di 18.33 0 komentar
Tepat 8 tahun.. sangat tepat 8 tahun.. maaf tadi aku hampir lupa.. andai kamu tau, cuaca tadi benar-benar mirip dengan 8 tahun yang lalu. mendung, tapi tidak hujan, hanya ada sedikit gerimis yang jatuh ke bumi..

Andai kamu tau, aku sangat berterima kasih, kamu telah memberiku pelajaran pentingnya teman dalam hidupku. Andai bisa kuputar waktu, akan kujaga kau saat itu, tidak akan aku memusuhimu. Tapi sudah berlalu, kau juga sudah tak ada, buat apa aku sesali sekarang, lagi pula ini sudah 8 tahun..

Selamat jalan.. Aku di sini mendoakanmu :')


Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012


Diposting oleh Fa di 06.20 0 komentar

As a mathematics education student, I should take philosophy of mathematics education as one of the subject of my lecturing. I should take it because by studying about philosophy of mathematics education, I’ll know mathematics from philosophy scene. But, it’s not easy to learn philosophy of mathematics while there are many dilemmas in it. First, everyone has their own business. We can’t focus on learning philosophy of mathematics when there are many things to be though, because when we study philosophy of mathematics we should be don’t have many problems to think so we have so much spare times to learn it. The other dilemma on studying philosophy of mathematics education is the name of the subject, that is Filsafat Pendidikan Matematika and Philosophy of Mathematics Education. Both of them are same in translation, but have different meaning. In daily life, we speak Bahasa then it would be very hard if we should learn philosophy in English. If we do it, we are afraid not to be able to understand what it is and the unsure of it.
Although there are many dilemmas in it, we still should study about philosophy of mathematics education, because it is one of the important lecturing. The other reason is most of the students are still young, so they have a good adaptation to solve anything. A young man has many chances to learn something new, that’s why we learn Philosophy of Mathematics Education though there are many dilemmas in it.
Since philosophy must be alive, so Dr. Marsigit won’t give the students about the materiel of philosophy. So, the students are letting by Dr. Marsigit to operate their minds, not to do much writing because philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.
Based on, the philosophy of mathematics education is an interdisciplinary area of study and research based on the intersection of the fields of mathematics education and the philosophy of mathematics, the latter being understood in an inclusive sense to include multidisciplinary theorizing about mathematics incorporating philosophical, sociological, anthropological, semiotic, historical, ethnomathematical, etc., perspectives. And philosophy is the study of all the phenomena of human life and thinking critically and described the fundamental concepts. Philosophy is not explored by conducting experiments and experiments, but to express the exact problem, find a solution for it, provide arguments and reasons appropriate for a particular solution. End of the processes put in a dialectical process.
Another word, philosophy is such like a world. We can put the word “world” in front of anything, such as world of plant, world of animal, world of lecturing, etc. all of those are applicable in philosophy, such as philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of religion, and so on.
That’s why we should learn philosophy lively, because philosophy is something alive. And the other meaning of philosophy is a mirror which means that we need something to reflect. Then, philosophy is a reflection.
My question is what is the relationship between mathematics and philosophy?


Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

SULE-ANDRE follow me :)

Diposting oleh Fa di 20.14 0 komentar
oh my love oh my darling
aku i miss you kasalira
long long time tos wengi
i never stop thinking about you
oh mother give me to prayer side
oh father ider mother
father mother
i want to you love me forever
in the night in the word
i want to you love me forever
in the night in the night in the night in the night
aku cinta i love you
i miss you ku rindu
i want always together
no body no body but you
aku cinta i love you
i miss you ku rindu
i want always together
no body no body but you
please accept my love
please you don't cry follow me

Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

Listening Regina Spektor-The Call

Diposting oleh Fa di 13.07 0 komentar
yap, barusan aku dengerin the call-regina spektor, dan gayaan mau tes listening gitu. dan beginilah hasilnya *yang pake warna merah berarti salah yaaa :D*

It started I does a Feeling
Which then grow into a hope
Which then turning to a quite thought
Which then turn into a quite word

And then I would grow louder and louder
Then it was it bad on cry

I’ll come back 
when you call me
No need to say good bye

Just because everything changing
Doesn’t mean it’s not
 been swept before

All you can use try to know 
who your friends are
As you had after the war
Because stand on a dark 
who risen and fall other like

You’ll come back when it’s over
No need to say good bye
You’ll comeback when it’s over
No need to say good bye

Now we’re back to the beginning
It just the feeling in no one knows yet
But just because they can’t feel to
Doesn’t mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
To the before you’re raised

You’ll come back 
when they call you
No need to say good bye

You’ll come back 
when they call you
No need to say good bye

nih yang bener coyy

It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
Til it was a battle cry

I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before

All you can do is try to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
Til they're before your eyes

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye 

yah lumayan lah ya.. salah-salah dikit *maksa* 

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